Pregnancy Timeline2022-04-27T17:46:41+10:00

Pregnancy Timeline

Pregnancy Timeline

What should you expect, and when?

At Coastal O&G you will receive one-on-one pregnancy care by one of our two obstetricians; Dr Ben Stokes or Dr Rob North. Below is what to expect during your pregnancy journey with Coastal O&G. As we believe in personalised care, this timeline is only a guideline and may vary depending on your circumstances.

At each visit you will have an ultrasound (with 3D & 4D images) to ensure your baby is healthy and growing.

First trimester (from the first day of your last period – 12 weeks gestation)

  • 6-10 weeks – Booking in appointment
    • This is an exciting time. Here you will meet your obstetrician and be offered an ultrasound to confirm and date the pregnancy. We will also ensure you have had all the appropriate investigations to embark on a safe pregnancy.
  • Some links to common first trimester issues:
    • Common questions in pregnancy
    • Morning sickness (Nausea and vomiting)
      • This is very common due to the hormonal changes in early pregnancy. It is also treatable! Discuss this today with your doctor at Coastal O&G
    • Vaginal bleeding

      • Bleeding in early pregnancy can be very scary, but it is also very common. It doesn’t always mean there is something wrong. If you experience bleeding you should contact your Coastal O&G doctor for advice.

Second trimester (12-24 weeks gestation)

  • 12-14 weeks – Nuchal translucency ultrasound and Review
    • An ultrasound is usually performed at 11-14 weeks gestation to assess your baby’s development. Along with blood tests this can be used to predict your baby’s risk of Down Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. An alternative to this is the NIPT test.
    • For more information on aneuploidy screening follow this link
  • 20-22 weeks – Morphology ultrasound and Review
    • At 20 weeks you will undergo a detailed ultrasound to look at your baby’s anatomy, gender (if desired), placental location and cervical length. Afterwards you will see your doctor to discuss the result and plan the rest of your pregnancy.

Third trimester (24 weeks to delivery)

  • 24-26 weeks – Review and organise your 28 week blood tests.
    • Now is a good time to book into your hospital if not already done.
  • 28-30 weeks – Review your blood tests and ultrasound including 3D and 4D images
  • 32-34 weeks – Long consult to discuss birthing preferences
    • Follow this link for more information on developing a birth plan
    • This is a good time to discuss and book in for pregnancy education classes and a tour of Buderim Private Hospital’s maternity ward.
  • 34 to 36 weeks – Review and discussion about breastfeeding and expressing.
  • 37 weeks onwards – Weekly reviews until delivery.

Postpartum (delivery to 6 weeks postpartum)

  • Hospital stay
    • Your length of stay will vary greatly depending on your individual circumstances and preferences.
    • Whether you want to go home early or stay longer, you will be supported by our team of doctors and midwives.
  • Postnatal visits – Our doctors will usually see you at 1 and 6 weeks postpartum.
    • If requested our team can organise postpartum home visits with a midwife, lactation consultant and/ or obstetrician.
  • Common postpartum complaints:
    • Inadequate milk production
      • The perception of inadequate milk production is one of the most common reasons for women stopping breastfeeding. It is normal to produce only small amounts of nutrient rich colostrum in the first few days postpartum. Copious milk production (Lactogenesis II) does not begin until around 2-3 days after delivery.
    • Breast engorgement and mastitis
      • Engorged breasts are common especially with the onset of copious milk production around day 3-5 after delivery. Management involves adequate drainage with feeding and or expression. Mastitis occurs when there are signs of inflammation/ fever and may be infective requiring antibiotics.
    • Other breastfeeding issues
      • Breastfeeding has many short and long term benefits for both the infant and mother. Unfortunately there are many common issues that lead to a woman stopping. With proper assessment and guidance, many of these problems can be resolved.
    • Postpartum blues and depression
      • Although having a baby is an exciting and joyful time, unfortunately many women (around 40%) experience some form of baby blues in the first week postpartum. This is thought to be due to the profound hormonal changes that occur following delivery. Thankfully, there is a lot of support available to women in Australia to help get them through these difficult times.

Private Pregnancy Care

We’re with you every step of the way. We provide tailored and caring private pregnancy care to make your journey to motherhood as smooth and enjoyable as you hope.

Pregnancy Care
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